Breast Lift

Breast Lift Surgery


There are many advantages in choosing our office for your breast lift surgery. Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian performs all procedures in an accredited surgical center and places a strong emphasis in minimizing incision lines and surgical scars with your surgery. A breast lift can be an incredibly gratifying procedure and our office will guide you through the entire process from the initial consultation for breast lift surgery, through the preoperative consultations, surgery, and postoperative breast lift care. 


Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is an exceptional board certified plastic surgeon who takes great pride in delivering excellence to his patients. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a well-published academic instructor at USC and UC Irvine in their respective Departments of Plastic Surgery.  A consummate perfectionist, Dr. Karamanoukian will explore your options for breast lift surgery so that you can restore volume to the breasts and make them perkier and more attractive from a contour perspective. The goal of a breast lift is to enhance breast volume in the upper pole of the breast and to reposition a sagging nipple. Dr. Karamanoukian is known for his Hidef Breast Lift which incorporates lasers and RF to help reduce surgical scarring and maximize results.


  • METHODS: Hidef Breast Lift, Short Scar Breast Lift, Vertical Scar Breast Lift, Wise-pattern Breast Lift, Donut Mastopexy, Laser Lift, Exilis Breast Lift
  • DURATION OF SURGERY: One to three hours, depending on the type of breast lift performed. A Wise-pattern breast lift is takes the most time. Patients will often request additional breast augmentation.
  • ANESTHESIA OPTIONS: Local anesthesia, MAC anesthesia, General Anesthesia
  • RECOVERY TIME:Return to work in less than one week.
  • BENEFITS: Major benefits of a breast lift is a restoration of upper pole breast volume, repositioning of the nipple, and tightening of the breast skin.


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